付冲, 赵刘群, 孙雷. 采用弦式系泊系统的海洋平台水动力性能数值模拟分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(6): 193–208. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02338
引用本文: 付冲, 赵刘群, 孙雷. 采用弦式系泊系统的海洋平台水动力性能数值模拟分析[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(6): 193–208. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02338
FU C, ZHAO L Q, SUN L. Numerical simulation analysis on hydrodynamic performance of platform with string-type mooring system[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(6): 193–208. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02338
Citation: FU C, ZHAO L Q, SUN L. Numerical simulation analysis on hydrodynamic performance of platform with string-type mooring system[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(6): 193–208. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02338


Numerical simulation analysis on hydrodynamic performance of platform with string-type mooring system

  • 摘要:
      目的  弦式系泊系统是针对特种海洋平台的永久靠泊需求而提出,需要研究采用该系统的平台的水动力性能,以验证其对永久靠泊需求的适应性。
      方法  首先,基于三维势流理论,采用边界元方法建立码头靠泊平台数值模型,并对不同码头潮位条件下的系泊平台进行频域数值模拟;然后,在时域模拟中引入弦式系泊和传统码头缆绳系泊2种不同的系泊系统,模拟系泊平台在极端波浪作用下的表现,参数化分析码头潮位对系泊平台运动响应的影响。
      结果  结果显示,弦式系泊系统通过提供全方向的回复力,加强了平台转动运动限制,大幅削弱了系泊平台的横摇运动,能将环境载荷能量转移到平动运动,进而加强了对平台整体运动的限制;系泊平台的运动范围均衡且稳定可控;该系统对平台的运动限制效果受码头潮位变化影响小。
      结论  研究表明弦式系泊系统相较于传统码头缆绳系泊更适应特种海洋平台的永久靠泊需求。


      Objective  A string-type mooring system is proposed for the permanent berthing demands of special offshore platforms. So it is necessary to study the hydrodynamic performance of the berthing platform using this mooring system to verify its adaptability to the permanent berthing demands.
      Methods  Based on the three-dimensional potential flow theory, a numerical model of the platform berthed alongside a terminal wharf is established using the boundary element method, and the frequency domain numerical simulation of the moored platform at different tide levels is carried out. Two mooring systems, i.e., string-type and traditional dock mooring, are used to simulate the hydrodynamic performance of the platform in the time domain under extreme wave conditions, and parameterized analysis is conducted to analyze the influence of different tide levels on the motion response of the platform.
      Results  By providing omni-directional restoring force, the string-type mooring system strengthens the rotational motion limitations of the platform, greatly reduce the most violent rolling motion, transfers the energy of environmental load to translational motion, and further strengthens the restriction of the overall motion of the platform; the motion range of the platform is balanced, stable and controllable; and the effects of the system on the motion limit of the platform are less affected by the change in tide level.
      Conclusion  Compared with the traditional mooring system, the string-type mooring system is more suitable for the permanent berthing of special offshore platforms.


