周萌萌, 张冰, 赵强, 等. 基于自适应渐消Sage-Husa扩展卡尔曼滤波的协同定位算法[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(4): 92–97. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02410
引用本文: 周萌萌, 张冰, 赵强, 等. 基于自适应渐消Sage-Husa扩展卡尔曼滤波的协同定位算法[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(4): 92–97. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02410
ZHOU M M, ZHANG B, ZHAO Q, et al. Cooperative localization algorithm based on adaptive fading Sage-Husa extended Kalman filter[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(4): 92–97. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02410
Citation: ZHOU M M, ZHANG B, ZHAO Q, et al. Cooperative localization algorithm based on adaptive fading Sage-Husa extended Kalman filter[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(4): 92–97. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02410


Cooperative localization algorithm based on adaptive fading Sage-Husa extended Kalman filter

  • 摘要:
      目的  针对多自主水下航行器(AUV)在航行过程中的定位精度等问题,提出一种基于自适应渐消Sage-Husa扩展卡尔曼滤波的多AUV协同定位算法。
      方法  首先,改进滤波算法中的自适应滤波器,由渐消记忆指数加权得到新息协方差估计值,并引入渐消因子修正预测误差协方差,以达到调节滤波增益的目的。然后,建立多AUV协同导航模型,得到基本的协同导航滤波过程,通过对速度、加速度及位置信息的融合,实现对跟随AUV位置状态的准确估计。最后,采用此算法与EM-EKF,EKF算法分别对AUV协同导航模型进行仿真,并对结果进行对比。
      结果  结果表明,在噪声协方差不匹配时,所提算法与EM-EKF,EKF算法相比均方根误差(RMSE)分别减少17.82%和24.48%,平均定位误差分别减少17.87%和22.54%;在噪声协方差时变时,RMSE分别减少42.11%和51.23%,平均定位误差分别减少34.87%和46.90%。
      结论  所提算法有效改善了滤波的可靠性、精确性和自适应性。


      Objectives  This paper proposes a multi-autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) cooperative localization algorithm based on an adaptive fading Sage–Husa extended Kalman filter in order to increase the positioning accuracy of mult-AUVs during navigation.
      Methods  The algorithm improves the adaptive filter in the filtering algorithm, obtains the estimated value of the innovation covariance through the weighting of the fading memory index, and introduces the fading factor to adjust the prediction error covariance matrix to achieve the purpose of adjusting the filter gain. The multi-AUV cooperative navigation model is established and the basic filtering process is obtained; through the fusion of speed and position information, an accurate estimation of the position state of the follower-AUV is achieved; finally, the algorithm and the expectation maximization-EKF (EM-EKF) and EKF algorithms are used in an AUV cooperative navigation model for simulation comparison.
      Results   The results show that when the noise covariance does not match, the root mean square error (RMSE) of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 17.82% and 24.48% respectively, and the average localization error (ALE) is reduced by 17.87% and 22.54% respectively; when the noise covariance is time-varying, the RMSE of the proposed algorithm is reduced by 42.11% and 51.23% respectively, and the ALE is reduced by 34.87% and 46.90% respectively.
      Conclusions   The proposed algorithm can effectively improve the reliability, accuracy and adaptability of filtering.


