郭松子, 马俊, 李志印, 等. 拍动式仿鹞鲼水下机器人设计及其游动性能试验[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(4): 139–144. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02497
引用本文: 郭松子, 马俊, 李志印, 等. 拍动式仿鹞鲼水下机器人设计及其游动性能试验[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2022, 17(4): 139–144. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02497
GUO S Z, MA J, LI Z Y, et al. Design and swimming test of myliobatid-inspired robot[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(4): 139–144. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02497
Citation: GUO S Z, MA J, LI Z Y, et al. Design and swimming test of myliobatid-inspired robot[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2022, 17(4): 139–144. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02497


Design and swimming test of myliobatid-inspired robot

  • 摘要:
      目的  自然界中的鱼类经过长期的自然选择过程,进化出了各具特色的水中推进模式,具有推进效率高、机动性强与噪音低等优点,是水下航行器的理想仿生对象。为研制新一代低噪声、高机动性的自主水下航行器(AUV),以拍动推进的鹞鲼为仿生对象。
      方法  通过分析其胸鳍内在的解剖结构,提出了一种采用对侧柔性胸鳍拍动推进的仿生机器人设计方案,并详述了实验样机本体的制作过程及其底层驱动控制方法。为测试机器鱼样机的游动性能,在实验水域中对所设计的原型样机展开了一系列游动性能测试。实验中测试了机器鱼样机在不同拍动频率下的游动速度,并在确定最大游动速度后,对其进行了机动性能测试。
      结果  结果表明,所设计的实验样机能在水中完成包括翻滚、小半径转向与横滚盘旋在内的多种机动动作,其最大游动速度可达1.9倍体长每秒(约为0.73m/s)。
      结论  研究初步完成了拍动式仿鹞鲼水下机器人的设计与测试工作,为新一代高性能水下推进器的设计提供了一定的参考价值。


      Objectives  Over millions of years of natural selection, fish have evolved various types of swimming modes with various advantages in efficiency, motility and tranquility, making them ideal biological objects on which autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) can be modelled. In order to develop a brand new AUV with lower noise and higher mobility, this paper puts forward a design for a myliobatid-inspired robot actuated by pairs of flexible pectoral fins.
      Methods  The manufacturing process and actuating method of the prototype are illustrated in detail. In order to test the maximum speed and mobility of the prototype, a series of swimming tests is carried out.
      Results  The experimental results show that the prototype can complete a variety of maneuvers in water, including rolling, small radius steering and hovering, and its maximum swimming speed can reach 1.9 body lengths per second (about 0.73 m/s).
      Conclusions  This paper outlines the preliminary design and swimming test of a myliobatid-inspired robot, giving it reference value as an indicator for the next generation of AUVs.


