姚智, 李德江, 徐刚, 等. 月池开放和封闭状态下钻井船阻力性能试验研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2023, 18(2): 176–183. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02553
引用本文: 姚智, 李德江, 徐刚, 等. 月池开放和封闭状态下钻井船阻力性能试验研究[J]. 中国舰船研究, 2023, 18(2): 176–183. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02553
YAO Z, LI D J, XU G, et al. Experimental study of drillship resistance performance in open and closed state of moonpool[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2023, 18(2): 176–183. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02553
Citation: YAO Z, LI D J, XU G, et al. Experimental study of drillship resistance performance in open and closed state of moonpool[J]. Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2023, 18(2): 176–183. DOI: 10.19693/j.issn.1673-3185.02553


Experimental study of drillship resistance performance in open and closed state of moonpool

  • 摘要:
      目的  为分析多功能钻井船月池封闭或开放状态下月池结构对船体阻力性能的影响,开展带月池结构的钻井船模型水池试验。
      方法  以某多功能钻井船为例,研究在规则波和不规则波下的船舶运动响应。试验中,通过挂钩连接拉力传感器测量船模在静水和波浪中的阻力,利用加速度传感器分析船首、舯和船尾的加速度特性。
      结果  结果表明:在轻载工况及月池开放时,船舶阻力较大; 在设计载重工况及月池封闭时,船舶静水阻力较大。在规则波下,月池封闭使船尾加速度降低了58.2%,船首阻力降低了46.7%, 垂荡运动响应最大幅值减小41.8%;在不规则波下,船首阻力峰值约为船尾的10倍,相比于月池封闭时,在相同时间内月池开放时阻力峰值出现的次数更多。
      结论  研究表明,设计载重工况的差异使船体水线面面积改变,影响了船舶静水阻力,而月池封闭不仅降低了船舶运动加速度及阻力,而且有效改善了纵摇及垂荡运动响应幅值,这为带月池结构的钻井船结构型式的设计提供了数据支撑。


      Objective   This paper carries out an experimental study of a multi-function dirllship model with moonpool structure in towing tank, aiming at analyzing the effects of the moonpool structure on the ship resistance in open and closure condition.
      Methods  Taking a dirllship as the research object, the ship motion response in regular and irregular waves is investigated. The resistance of the ship in hydrostatic water and waves is measured with tension sensors, and the acceleration characteristics of the bow, midship and stern are analyzed by acceleration sensors.
      Results  The results indicate that hull resistance under light load conditions is greater when open moonpool, while hydrostatic water resistance with closed moonpool is greater under design load conditions. The closed moonpool in regular waves reduces stern acceleration by 58.2%, bow resistance by 46.7% and heave response by 41.8%. The peak of resistance at the bow in irregular waves is about ten times higher than that at the stern, and the peak of resistance occurs more often when the moonpool is open at the same time.
      Conclusions  The experimental study shows that the difference in load conditions changes the waterplane area and affects the hull resistance in hyrostatic water. In contrast, the closure of the moonpool not only reduces acceleration and resistance, but also improves surge and heave. As such, this paper can provide references for the structural design of drillships with moonpools.


