Stress analysis of the opening area of the ship integrated superstructure based on surrogate models
摘要: 针对具有开口群的船舶集成上层建筑,使用ANSYS分析其开口区域的强度特性.在多方案有限元计算的基础上,提出兼顾计算精度和计算成本的强度计算模型.基于该模型,以影响开口区域应力的主要设计参数为设计变量,构造了快速预报开口群角隅节点应力的4种代理模型,并对这4种代理模型进行误差检验,得出在所选取的样本点比例下,Kriging代理模型拟合精度较高.因此,采用构造的Kriging模型分析了结构尺寸对开口角隅节点应力的影响.结果表明:开口面板厚度的变化对角隅节点应力水平影响最大.Abstract: The strength of the opening area of a ship integrated superstructure is investigated in this paper by using the ANSYS software. A simplified FEM model considering both simulation accuracy and computational expense is developed based on the comparison between the results of several FEM models. Based on this simplified FEM model,four kinds of surrogate models that are used to efficiently predict the corner stress of the opening area of the integrated superstructure are constructed. Meanwhile,error tests of these four surrogate models are carried out, and the results indicate that Kriging model performs best in terms of fitting accuracy among the four models. Finally, the influences of three different major structure sizes on the stress of the opening area is discussed, where it is concluded that the thickness of the plate has the greatest effect on the corner stress of the opening area.