Statistics and analysis of ship wave loads under severe sea conditions
摘要: 介绍恶劣海况下船体波浪载荷(包括波浪和合成弯矩)统计推断的计算方法,并以某一高速排水型船舶作为算例进行计算。首先,按30 min短期海况估算该船的船舯波浪弯矩、砰击弯矩和合成弯矩统计特征值并与测量结果进行比较;其次按4 h海浪稳定假设,给出统计推断;最后,对巨浪海况完成算例船舶的波浪弯矩和合成弯矩的统计推断,并简要分析船体的总纵强度。Abstract: A new calculation method of ship wave loads under severe sea conditions,including resultant moments and slamming moments,has been introduced,based on a high speed case. Results are firstly estimated under 30 minutes short term sea conditions,by comparing wave,slamming and resultant loads, then estimated under 4 hours stable sea states for higher statistics of extremes. Finally the overall strength of the ship has been briefly calculated.