
Contens of CJSR 2018, Vol.13, No.4

  • 摘要: 1结构噪声核心价值与理论逻辑解读第二部分:阻振质量与复杂巨系统…吴崇建,蔡大明,朱英富(1)2冰载荷和纵倾角对螺旋桨强度的影响…常欣,李鹏,王超,叶礼裕(7)3石墨烯增强铝基SiC复合材料抗侵彻机理试验与数值仿真…计晨,李素云(16)4船体大破口损伤下总纵极限剩余承载能力计算…韩正君,赵耀(24)5大型客滚船舱段屈曲和疲劳强度直接计算…何丽丝,王德禹(33)6船舶典型节点弯曲载荷作用下极限强度试验研究…王晓强,胡耀愚,严仁军(41)7规则波浪中舰船摇荡耦合切片计算方法…朱军,夏齐强,王智宇,朱韬,黄昆仑,葛义军(49)8声呐导流罩边界层壁面脉动压力研究进展…徐嘉启,梅志远(57)9基于改进云重心方法的舰船设计方案质量评估…王广强,吕建伟,徐一帆,谢宗仁(70)10基于STAR-CCM+的小水线面三体船阻力数值仿真…张明霞,韩兵兵,卢鹏程,赵正彬(79)11铺管船运动响应及对铺设管线的耦合作用…王玉红,李磊,张兆德,郭远志(86)12居住舱室空气环境舒适性数值分析…亓海青,李志印,周立华(93)13基于极短期运动预报的舰载机着舰过程仿真分析…杨柳,徐东昊(99)14斜流轴流组合式多级压气机气动设计与流场数值模拟…张晓阳,陈镟宇,李良才,任焕(104)15纵向减振推力轴承液压减振系统的热平衡性能分析…陈繁,李天匀,赵耀,朱翔(111)16环形线圈退磁设施的电磁设计和试验…郭成豹,周炜昶(120)17基于BP神经网络的船舶主机能效状态评估…陈伟南,黄连忠,张勇,路通(127)18基于差分进化算法的船舶能量管理系统优化策略…杨泽鑫,肖健梅,王锡淮,邓军(134)19基于变论域模糊方法的电力推进船舶二次调频控制…李洪跃,王锡淮,肖健梅(142)20舰船能量管理系统中的VxWorks可视化技术…华逸飞,李维波,方雄伟,许智豪,徐聪,员钦生(149)21某舰用安全监控系统模拟训练软件的设计与实现…杜一村,杨晨,李玉峰(155)


    Abstract: 1 Core value and theoretical logic of structure-borne noise.Part 2:blocking mass and complex huge systems…WU Chongjian,CAI Daming,ZHU Yingfu(1)2 Effect of ice-load and trim angle on the strength of propeller… CHANG Xin,LI Peng,WANG Chao,et al (7)3 Test and numerical simulation of anti-penetration mechanism for reinforced aluminum matrix SiC composites… JI Chen,LI Suyun(16)4 Calculation of longitudinal residual capacity of ship with large crevasse…HAN Zhengjun,ZHAO yao(24)5 Direct calculation of buckling and fatigue strength of large Ro-Ro ship section…HE Lisi,WANG Deyu(33)6 Experimental study on ultimate strength of typical ship brackets under bending load… WANG Xiaoqiang,HU Yaoyu,YAN Renjun(41)7 Strip calculations for ship oscillation coupled response in regular waves… ZHU Jun,XIA Qiqiang,WANG Zhiyu,et al (49)8 Research progress in sonar dome turbulent boundary layer wall fluctuating pressure… XU Jiaqi,MEI Zhiyuan(57)9 Quality evaluation of design alternatives of vessel based on improved cloud barycenter method… WANG Guangqiang,LV Jianwei,XU Yifan,et al (70)10 Numerical simulation for resistance of trimaran small waterplane area center hull based on STAR-CCM+…ZHANG Mingxia,HAN Bingbing,LU Pengcheng,et al (79)11 Motion response of pipe-laying vessel and its coupling interaction on pipelines… WANG Yuhong,LI Lei,ZHANG Zhaode,et al (86)12 Numerical analysis of air environment comfort in ship accommodation cabin… QI Haiqing,LI Zhiyin,ZHOU Lihua(93)13 Aircraft carrier landing process simulation based on extremely short-term prediction of ship motion…YANG Liu,XU Donghao(99)14 Aerodynamic design and numerical simulation of mixed-axial flow multi-stage compressor…ZHANG Xiaoyang,CHEN Xuanyu,LI Liangcai,et al (104)15 Analysis of heat balance of piston hydraulic damper system installed on thrust bearing… CHEN Fan,LI Tianyun,ZHAO Yao,et al (111)16 Magnetic design and testing of demagnetization facility with ring-shaped coil…GUO Chengbao,ZHOU Weichang(120)17 Evaluation of main engine energy efficiency based on BP neural network…CHEN Weinan,HUANG Lianzhong,ZHANG Yong,et al (127)18 Optimization strategy of ship energy management system based on differential evolution algorithm… YANG Zexin,XIAO Jianmei,WANG Xihuai,et al (134)19 Electric propulsion ship secondary frequency control based on variable universe fuzzy method… LI Hongyue,WANG Xihuai,XIAO Jianmei (142)20 Visual design technology of VxWorks adopted in ship energy management system…HUA Yifei,LI Weibo,FANG Xiongwei,et al (149)21 Design and implementation of simulation training software for naval security monitoring system… DU Yicun,YANG Chen,LI Yufeng(155)


