
Transmission Characteristics of Power Flow for Vibration Isolation System Based on Beam Model

  • 摘要: 针对舰船中比较典型的静不定隔振系统,建立了柔性基础上安装4个隔振器的隔振系统物理模型。对隔振器采用杆梁模型建模,隔振上层设备采用刚体模型,导出了静不定隔振系统的动力控制方程。使用振动功率流方法对隔振系统进行了功率流分析 ,并利用Matlab进行编程计算,计算结果表明杆梁模型隔振器对上下两端的功率流的减少有明显效果,隔振器的内部共振特性对隔振系统振动功率流具有显著的影响。对主要设计参数进行了讨论,得出了具有工程指导意义的结论。


    Abstract: Statically indeterminate vibration isolation system is usually applied in ships. This study established a model of vibration isolation system in which four isolators were mounted on a flexible shipboard base. The dynamic control equations of statically indeterminate vibration isolation system were then obtained, while the isolators were represented as continuous beams, and the equipment as a rigid body. Power flow of the system was analyzed by the Matlab program. The results showed that the isolator of beam model led to a remarkable reduction in power flow, and that the internal resonance of these isolators had significant effects on the power flow of the system. Additionally, main design parameters of these isolators were discussed and the conclusions useful for engineering design were gained.


