Objectives This paper analyzes the application of sound radiation by fluid-exciting force in correlation with the measurements of different models.
Methods The wavenumber-frequency spectrum of turbulent pressure fluctuations is exploited to calculate fluid-exciting sound radiation of plate model. Thereby, we propose a test method of applying wavenumber-frequency spectrum of turbulent pressure fluctuations to the underwater vehicle, and comparing the differences in measurements with the classic model.
Results The results show that, the measurements of the wavenumber-frequency spectrum of turbulent pressure fluctuations of the plate model are relatively consistent with those of the classic model, with a deviation of less than 3 dB. In the band above ring frequency, the model of revolution body can be approximated as plate model, the measurement of wavenumber-frequency spectrum of turbulent pressure fluctuations varies slightly in contrast to the plate model, with a deviation of less than 3 dB. In the band below ring frequency, if test data of excitation force obtained by the plate model are used to calculate the fluid-exciting sound radiation, it will yield a higher deviation.
Conclusions The experiment and analysis results provide a theoretic foundation to use the test data of pressure excited by a turbulent boundary layer on the wall of underwater vehicle.