Objectives This paper investigates the impact of shared lines with different materials on the dynamic response of floating wind farms in order to design a rational shared mooring system.
Methods First, shared mooring and traditional (without shared cables) mooring systems are designed for floating wind farms. The dynamic response and economic cost of the two mooring systems are then compared to validate the feasibility of the shared mooring system design. Second, the influence of the two types of shared mooring systems on the mooring response of floating wind farms is studied. Finally, an analysis is made of the influence of load direction and line material on the tension of the shared lines.
Results The results indicate that floating wind farms with shared mooring systems using different materials have nearly identical blade tension. However, there are differences in the impact of the two types of shared mooring systems on wind turbine displacement and the mean tension of mooring lines. In addition, the environmental load direction and line material affect wind turbine displacement and shared line tension.
Conclusions This study provides useful references for selecting material for shared lines in the mooring systems of floating wind farms.